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Oct 26

Halloween Safety

Posted by Scott  filed under Safety

Halloween Photo by Jill Wellington from Pexels

Halloween in 2020 will have an asterisk next to it (like so much else this year).  Celebrations will undoubtedly look and feel different.  Even so, it is rarely considered a holiday where safety is at the top of the list outside of Trick or Treat candy from unknown sources or concerns about traffic and being clearly seen in the dark or limited light.  Using flashlights or incorporating reflective and glowing aspects into the costume improves visibility when out and about (yours and motorists). 

Naturally, you want to ensure masks and face / head coverings allow for unobstructed vision.  This helps the natural instinct to avoid harmful objects.  Reportedly, Halloween also sees frequent eye injuries that can be avoided or minimized.

The most obvious risk to eyes comes from contact lenses that go with the costume or are purchased online for that purpose.  Depending on the source, these lenses can cause infections, abrasions, or ulcers to the cornea, among other issues associated with contacts.  Chat with your eye doctor if these are a part of your Halloween plan…

When giving that extra-effort for a great visual effect on your costume, avoid getting makeup, glitter, hair paint, etc. in your eyes.  And make sure the items you use are hypoallergenic.  If you get something in there, be sure to follow the emergency response steps on the product.  Likewise, keep safety in mind when handling costume accessories and props.  Avoid using any sharp, pointy objects and keep them away from the face.

While Halloween screams the importance of looking your best it is also critical to be able to see your best.  Stay safe and stay sane.